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Why #SaySarcoidosis?

Most people have never heard about sarcoidosis. It's a systemic inflammatory disease that can affect any part of the body, but most often the lungs. More than one million people worldwide are struggling to live and breathe with this disease. However, for many patients the first time they hear the word “sarcoidosis” is in a doctor’s office at the time of diagnosis. 


#SaySarcoidosis is a campaign to raise awareness about sarcoidosis to prevent this from continuing to happen. 

How to Join the Campaign?

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We have developed a #SaySarcoidosis social media campaign to help raise awareness about sarcoidosis. Will you join our video challenge encouraging others to #SaySarcoidosis? 

  • How you can help:​

    • Follow us on social media

      • Respond to our challenge via social media with a video saying sarcoidosis (SAR-coy-DOH-sis).

      • Tag us, your friends, and colleagues to help spread the word about #SaySarcoidosis.

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